Cadillac Rotary Club hosting September bike ride, fundraiser

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By Rick Charmoli Cadillac News

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Read Full Article at: Cadillac News

CADILLAC — The Rotary Club of Cadillac will be hosting a family-friendly bike ride on the Fred Meijer White Pine Trail State Park this September.

The White Pine Ride will take riders on the trail's paved northern section on Saturday, Sept. 7. The ride is expected to start and finish in downtown Cadillac at the Market at Cadillac Commons. The ride will start any time after 7 a.m. and ending sometime in the early to mid-afternoon depending on the length of the ride.

“This ride has something for everyone,‘ Rotary Club of Cadillac President Mark Lagerwey said. “We have four rides planned, from a short ride out to Hobart just 6 miles south down the trail, all the way to Big Rapids, the current end of the paved northern section of the trail.‘

Since the September event is a ride and not a race, Lagerwey said it is meant to highlight the recreational quality of safe and scenic trail biking while also raising funds to continue developing the biking recourse in the Cadillac area. The ride also will allow casual bikers a chance to take a slow cruise to Hobart while giving more serious bikers heading further down the trail a chance to ride the newly paved section of the trail between LeRoy and Reed City, according to Lagerwey.

“We hope Rotarians and our many friends in this community and around Michigan will be able to enjoy this ride and our beautiful northern Michigan community," he said.

The Rotary Club also raised funds for the White Pine Trail previously to help pay for a new trailhead, which will be built next year. The White Pine Ride will feature a trail, that until 1984, still carried rail traffic north from Grand Rapids. Now the northern end of the linear park – which was named after one of the pioneers of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Fred Meijer – provides a scenic paved passage through small northern Michigan towns that grew up around the tracks including Cadillac, Hobart, Tustin, LeRoy, Reed City, Paris and Big Rapids.

When riders return in the early to mid-afternoon, they will enjoy a picnic atmosphere with food trucks and live music by Cambio.

More information about how to register or become a sponsor for The Rotary Club of Cadillac White Pine Ride is available at the ride website,

Cadillac News
